Why do calluses form on the feet?

Calluses or hard skin form on the feet in response to friction, generally because of our footwear. It is one of the body’s protective mechanisms.

The pressure and friction from shoes that are too tight causes the body to produce extra layers of skin to protect itself. The area of the feet affected shows where the feet are coming under the most pressure, and can help us work out how to prevent it.

Calluses that form near the big toe can be the result of wearing very pointed shoes that cramp the toes. High heels cause large patches of callus on the sole of the feet. Flip flops tend to generate hard rough skin on the heel in the summer months. So the first and most effective way to calluses forming on the feet is often to change your footwar.

Hard thick calluses can be extremely painful, and also unsightly. The ideal way to treat this is prevention, by looking at your footwear and making sure your shoes fit well.

Using cream on the feet will do a lot of good. Using a general moisturising cream two or three times a day, will help limit dryness and cracking, especially around the heels. In the summer, if you wear flip flops or sandals that move, it is very important to take care that fissures do not develop in the heel. These can not only be very sore, but are also extremely difficult to treat.

Using a pumice stone on a daily basis will help reduce the speed at which calluses form. Files should be used with cautiom.

If you live in Bristol and have a problem with persistent hard skin and callus, and want to get rid of it, then why not book a full Foot Health treatment? I can remove all the hard skin and sort out any other problems you have at the same time. For more details visit my website: www.lotusreflexology.co.uk or call me on : 07811619860 or 0117 950 6629

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